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Mind Hush Group
Communicating messages with clarity, credibility and trust has never been more important in an era of mixed messages, concealed emotions and feelings, misinformation and other internal and external challenges and risks. Human capital management is key for any organisation with people being the most valuable asset, assets to be developed, nurtured and protected. Optimising performance and wellbeing is paramount.

I’m Sharon Box and Founder of the Mind Hush Group. I’m a Behavioural Analyst and Consultant, Communications Strategist and Learning and Development Advisor. I provide consultancy and training services for leaders, business owners and other busy professionals in understanding the behavioural science and neuroscience behind reading people, emotional states, information and situations with more accuracy.

My key focus is to provide you with behavioural science-informed skills to enable you to communicate messages with more impact and credibility, navigate human behaviour more effectively, improve performance, outcomes and wellbeing, and minimise risk by assessing the veracity of information you encounter from your interactions with others with greater certainty.

I also provide training across a range of workplace topics including strategic and critical thinking, negotiation and conflict resolution, ethical and inclusive leadership, the neuroscience of success and performance, managing risk and challenge, creating psychological safety and building resilience and a growth mindset.

With the practical application of behavioural science and neuroscience, the Mind Hush Group offer consultancy and behavioural training solutions to help you better understand what drives behaviour and how this impacts you and the results you want to achieve.

Regardless of your profession and stage in life, soak up specialised knowledge and powerful, science backed strategies and skills and apply immediately to make sure you have the people skills required for your job role and being more aware of how your behaviour will affect outcomes.

What I do and who I work with

I am a behavioural educator and communications specialist and provide tailored consultancy and training solutions in:

  • Reading and managing emotions
  • Decoding facial expressions, body language and behaviour through specialised analysis
  • Evaluating the truth and credibility of information
  • Persuasive communication and how to influence others
  • Increasing credibility and trustworthiness
  • Neuroscience and how the brain functions and affects behaviour
  • A range of leadership topics including communicating with clarity and impact, strategic and critical thinking, negotiation and conflict resolution, ethical and inclusive leadership, the neuroscience of success and performance, managing risk and challenge, creating psychological safety and building resilience and a growth mindset.

I work with:

  • C-suite executives
  • Business leaders and managers
  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Other busy professionals

I provide consultancy and training services with training provided in-house, via public workshops and events, masterclasses, seminars and private one on one sessions.

I am also available for corporate keynotes and speaking engagements.

What people think of me

How can you trust my expertise, that I know my subject matter and it’s not just all fluff? What about my reputation, my credibility? Well, to save you time, I’ve done some of the detective work for you.

  • Hear what some of my clients, students and event delegates have had to say here.
  • See videos here to view a selection of testimonials and feedback.

The results I get

I break down the science of human behaviour to provide practical skills, techniques and strategies to help you read people with increased accuracy to achieve more successful outcomes through:

  • Using your verbal and nonverbal communication strategically to have more influence and authority;
  • Using questioning techniques to elicit critical and credible information in order to make better decisions and improve performance;
  • Understanding your emotions and triggers, how context affects baseline behaviour, and what you are communicating to others;
  • Equipping you with the tools to insulate and better protect you from internal and external threats;
  • Having a direct impact on people and performance with better navigation of the emotional landscape.

The hard facts

Misinformation and dishonest behaviour is woven into our everyday lives – we are exposed to people who mislead and deceive us, whether by omitting, concealing or falsifying information. 

Deceptive behaviour and dishonest communications by other people can have varying impacts on our lives, both direct and indirect. When there is something at stake, the wrong information can put individuals and businesses at risk with a range of potential financial, emotional and psychological ramifications.

Learning how to better detect deception is becoming increasingly important in the battle to protect ourselves, our colleagues, our jobs, our businesses, our reputations, our finances and our assets.

Whether you’re dealing with someone in person or in a virtual capacity, by learning how to observe and analyse non-verbal and verbal behaviour to identify useful behavioural cues, this will:

  • Empower you with more advanced skills to determine the emotional states of others so you can be more impactful with your communication to improve the relationships with the people you interact with;
  • Enable you to make better decisions that are in your, and/or your company’s best interests when you can determine that you have credible information to work with more accurately;
  • Allow you to better protect yourself from the potential emotional, psychological and financial consequences associated with deception where there is something at stake;
  • Help you to develop and steer relationships on a path of greater trust, honesty and integrity in an era of challenging times which can require difficult conversations and decisions.

When making important decisions, there are many scenarios where ascertaining whether or not someone is being truthful will have consequences and affect the outcome such as:

  • Business meetings
  • Sales meetings
  • Business negotiations
  • Job interviews/candidate selection/performance evaluations
  • Financial transactions
  • Shareholder and corporate earnings meetings
  • Business evaluations and past performance announcements
  • Legal proceedings/jury selection
  • Law enforcement – witness interviews and investigations
  • Purchasing high value goods or services
  • Insurance claims
  • Investigations and audits
  • Political election promises
  • Media reports/stories of public interest

Human behaviour

The human body is highly complex and has long been studied for the fascinating manner in which the body’s organs, cells, tissues and various systems interact and rely on each other to function and thrive.

In order to better understand human behaviour it’s necessary to learn and understand the science that drives it.

The good news is that your people reading and observational skills can be fine tuned to help you get to the truth of the emotion a person is actually feeling with more accuracy than what you do now and, ‘evolution has dictated that the face is the clearest signal for emotional display’ (Dr Paul Ekman).

By learning some of the key aspects of the science and biology behind human behaviour, you’ll have additional skills and strategies to better manage how emotions and deception may impact you in your work and in other areas of your life.

The facts of deception

Whilst many of the lies we encounter every day are invariably harmless, low stake white lies, other lies can have dramatic emotional and financial implications at an individual and organisational level.

Deception is big business, it can empty our bank accounts, damage reputations and trust and destroy personal and business relationships.

In very high stake situations deception can threaten life, threaten a country’s security and borders and compromise governments.

Why there is dishonesty

Dishonesty and misinformation is big business and in a world lit up 24/7 with the Internet and social media, it’s woven into our daily lives.

On any given day it is likely we’ll be lied to and receive conflicting messages from family members and loved ones, friends, superiors, colleagues, businesses, the media, politicians and governments.

We’re socialised from as soon as our language develops that we should tell the truth and to listen to verbal communication and the words we hear from others.

In reality, lying is socially required and expected and is even integral to many occupations.

We are exposed to a dozen, sometimes hundreds of lies a day. Why? Well there are various reasons why we all lie.

I am an educator, and my focus is sharing what I know about behavioural science to help you navigate behaviour and the emotional landscape you find yourself in.

By better understanding your mind and what drives your own behaviour and emotions, you can then manage them with more control to achieve better outcomes.

I share with you, the key research and collective science from the behavioural science world that has been proven in the field, so you can use the training constructively and positively in your communications and interactions. Use the training to:

Manage your own emotions at a higher level with more control and learn how to elicit information from others to get to the truth and credibility of what is being communicated to you verbally and non-verbally.

Recognise the micro expressions that can be leaked by people which reveals their true/actual emotional state, enabling you to then probe further for information from the interaction/modify your response accordingly, depending on the situation and context.

Find out what a manager, colleague, client, shareholder, stakeholder or competitor is really thinking and the actual emotions and motives they may be attempting to conceal from you.

Better navigate and decipher the constant and increasing barrage of scams, sales offers, marketing messages and deals too good to be true that are hurled your way.

Purge your life of questionable, dishonest, insincere and toxic acquaintances, clients and businesses whose values, ethics and morals are not in alignment with yours.

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